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“Not bad so far,” you think to yourself.

“Not bad is not good, and good is better than not bad,” I remind you.

You shake off the notion and deny the difference.

But in your heart you know this simple switch you flip in your mind to be good rather than just not being bad is the answer.

“Best part is, you have control. It is your choice,” I remind you.

“huh,” you mutter slightly as your gaze reaches the floor in front of you.

“I can’t,” you admit.

“And therein lies the problem,” I arrogantly proclaim with an unearned sense of accomplishment, “but in truth, the reason this is true for you is because it is true for everybody. We are all guilty of ignoring good as long as we can get away with not being considered bad per whatever the current status quo happens to be this month.

“So now what?” some poor fool asks, suggesting the possibility of this otherwise impossible outcome.

There is no now what.

Realigning with our own inner nature is outside the realm of good and bad.

The concept of duality was introduced to us during early childhood.

But before then, when we could not form words nor understand the words of others, we all had a deeper understanding where good and bad, right and wrong, yin and yang, just someone else’s interpretation of the truth.

And in trying to categorize and define and rationalize the truth to fit into the reality we have decided must be true, we created distance between ourselves and our original sense of humanity.

To counteract the loss, we establish our own truth, written on the hides of innocent animals, declaring our laws and behaviors fit to establish a peaceful society with their blood as the ink.

History books chronicling the events perceived by the survivors assigned divine value and forced upon others through death and torture.

Countless wars where men murder each other by the thousands to prove to the women that they can be trusted to establish peace… once they finish killing total strangers.

Any minute now.

Just a few more thousand total strangers to kill, and then you can totally trust us that we will establish a peaceful society where we will punish and possibly kill anybody who doesn’t follow our rules.

Did I lay that sarcasm on thick enough?

Because from where I’m standing, everybody who wants to be in charge should be given a giant “don’t let this person make any decisions” stamp right on their forehead.

Look, no offense, and I get this is getting way off topic from casual fiction but listen up.

We’re all going to fucken die if we don’t teach every single one of our children to stop fighting.

It’s like idiotic how anybody expects there to be peace, and we all teach and train to hurt and kill.

Interestingly, kung fu was originally a healing art form. It wasn’t weaponized until some country got tired of losing wars and then it was as essential as rifles for all armies at war.

I’ll make one final point before returning to some nice boring fiction you can relax and forget all this nonsense about peace.

And anybody who might get offended by this next statement, I hope you’d appreciate that it is in fact true, and possibly the most helpful statement to help end wars.

Anyway, here’s the thing: fighting, hitting other men, stabbing or shooting tiny projectiles at each other… It’s all super fucken gay. Like how much gayer can we be than spending millions of tax dollars building penis-shaped devices that explode on other men. Fucken gay.

Shooting another man with a gun: those bullets are symbolic of your sperm and a reflection of your gay love for that man, which you refuse to admit so instead you shoot a sperm-like projectile at the man, killing him. The more bullets, the gayer it is. But even one bullet, torpedo, missile, rocket, whatever you shoot, it’s a reflection of a gay love for whoever happens upon the murderous (and super gay) actions.


Just some food for thought.

Next up: Let’s take a look at what the future would be like if we gave AI robotic bodies. I know it’s been done before, but what if there wasn’t any drama or misfortune in the process? Let’s take a look…


